Spanish horse - Verdigris Resin
A sculpture by artist Marie Ackers
1 metre x 70cm
25kg Approx
If you prefer an invoice emailed and direct bank payment then please contact Lynn via email horseracing2@sky.com
This product can be made to order in Bronze also for £15,000 + shipping, please email horseracing2@sky.com or via contact numbers on this website
Marie Ackers
“When I started sculpting , I learned from the old master and my biggest inspirations was the "French Animaliers".Since 2009-2010, I started to add my own vision to my work and move to different directions. Although my main work is based around sculpture, I am an overall artist interested in all different medium 3D or 2D.
In my new work since 2012-13, I deconstruct the movements, simplify the shapes and identify the dynamic and the rhythms of the lines to produce contemporary sculpture or paintings.
Each of my work approach of the subjects defines concerns such as geometric, forms and shape or space. Each works are linked by recurring forms and shape , I strip down to pure lines, remove any details and simplify forms, movement , understand rythme to find the inner strength of the piece.
My inspiration comes from various sources from the “French animalier” to the simplicity and purity of Brancusi’s work, the shapes and presence of Henry Moore sculptures, the sharp and clean lines of Calder metal sculptures as well as Pompom, Lynn Chadwick, architecture old and modern. My work is sometimes compared to Art Deco or to Etruscan style but this is not the case at all. I am not following a particular movement as my main concerns for my work are lines, Balance , rhythm and color. I have been working on those lines for a while now and most of my work devices from studies and sketches not a particular art genre or style.”
"The simplicity is the complexity solved."- Brancusi
Past exhibitions
2015 -
Open studios 2015 with the West berkshire Open studio scheme
June-July - EQUUS, the Gallery at Sculpture by the Lakes.
Sept 2015 - AFF Bristol with The Gallery at Sculpture by the Lakes,
2014 - Year of the horse
Iona House Gallery - exhibition starting 8th March
Linda Blackstone gallery, 13 - 16 March 2014 - Stand J12 AAF Spring Collection, Battersea Park, London
Linda Blackstone gallery, 21 - 23 March 2014 - Stand JO1 AAF Hong Kong, The Conference & Exhibition Centre, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Linda Blackstone gallery, 2 - 6 April 2014 - AAF New York City, Metropolitan Pavilion, Chelsea, NYC
West Berskshire Open studios 4th May- end June
Art@Circle, reading - end September
Freshair 2013 at quennington gardens
Marwell Zoo - Sculpture trail.
"Expressions" at The Wey Gallery- Godalming
Open studios 2012
La Galerie du Cheval - New Galerie- http://www.galerie-du-cheval.fr
Loft living at Selfridges
Ascot 22nd July 2011 - Valiant stake prize
Haras de St Lo (France)
The Life the gallery- "Equine life"
My Open studios
Art at the edge
Past exhibitions includes:
Galerie de Tourgeville - Deauville ( France)
Society of Equestrian Artists -SEA- Mall galeries
Polo de Paris - September 2010
The Emile Faurie Foundation exhibition, Mall Galleries, London
Society of Women artists, Mall Galleries, London
Festival of sculpture - ArtParks International, Guernsey
SEA - Newmarket exhibition Oct
Village D'art - Hippodrome D'auteuil - Nov -Paris
Biennale de sculpture animaliere de Rambouillet, France, Sept
Salon National des Artistes Animaliers, Bry sur Marne, France, Nov
RREC 25h anniversary commemoration book
L'art animalier- tome 2 ( France)
Art Horse Magazine - March 2010 ( selected for the competition art horse magazine - www.arthorsemagazine.com