Horse and Foal
white lighting with a remote control
This equestrian silhouette art work is 7’ x 10’ (17.5cm x 25cm) in size and can be wall hung or stood to their depth.
Every silhouette is cut by hand. The paper diffuses the light projecting from the back of the frame to create the beautiful silhouette.
The solid black wooden frames are handmade also and are lit via remote controlled micro LEDs and run on AA batteries lasting up to 60 hours depending on their use. The remote also features a timer that allow you to set a time for the frame to light up for 6 hours every day if you prefer . Light frames are a creation and design by silhouette and light artist David Rudge.
These light frame designs are unique to David and never seen before silhouette craft and light design. Perfect for any home and make a great gift.